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Designing beautiful books, both inside and out.

Self-Published Doesn't Mean Amateur

There is a common piece of advice that writers receive when they first embark on the journey of self-publishing: hire a professional editor and hire a professional book cover designer.

This is excellent advice.

Nothing screams “amateur” like a manuscript riddled with errors or a cover that was designed in a word processor. A well-edited story and a professionally designed cover can make the difference in being seen as a serious author determined to succeed and one who…isn’t.

Here at Mac & Millie Publishing, we want to help you put your book’s best foot forward. We offer interior layout services as well as exterior cover design at prices new authors can afford.

Why use a professional book cover designer?

As a self-published author, cash is tight. But saving money by doing-it-yourself can cost you in the long run. A well-designed cover reflects professionalism and signals to readers that the book is worth their time and money. It can enhance an author’s reputation and credibility in the industry.

While it may be tempting to save money by designing a book cover yourself, investing in a professional designer can pay off in terms of quality, marketability, and ultimately, the success of the book.

A professional designer has the skills, experience, and tools to create high-quality designs that stand out. They understand design principles, typography, color theory, and layout techniques that amateurs might not be familiar with.

Working with a professional designer allows authors to receive feedback and request revisions until they are satisfied with the final result. This collaborative process can lead to a better end product.

A professionally designed cover can significantly impact a book’s marketability. Designers know how to create covers that attract the target audience, convey the genre and tone of the book effectively, and compete well with other books in the market.

Professional designers can create custom covers tailored to the specific content and theme of the book. They can incorporate unique elements and illustrations that capture the essence of the story and engage readers.

Designing a book cover can be time-consuming, especially for someone without design experience. A professional can complete the task efficiently, allowing authors to focus on writing and other aspects of publishing.

Designing a cover that looks good both in print and digital formats requires expertise. Professionals understand the technical requirements and can ensure that the cover looks great across different mediums and devices. They’re familiar with copyright laws and licensing issues related to images and fonts and can ensure the design complies with legal requirements.